
Artificial Breeding Machines for Fruits Tree Pollens

How can we rationalize the long process of cultivating good fruit? Putting this question into mind, our company started good developing apparatuses that will help farmers carry out a series of works concerning pollination more efficiently. We will make further improvement to our artificial fruit-tree pollinating series, which have attracted great attention from countries abroad.

Work Process and Contents of Artificial Breeding

1. Pick Flowers Pick up flowers when their buds start to open and their stamen start to show.
2. Drop stamens Drop stamens from flowers.
■Stamen Picker / MK-600 , MK-402 , POPP-EX2
3. Sieve Stamens Sort out flower leaves and petals mixed from stamens.
4. Sort Pedicels In this process,small flower petals and strings that cannot be cleared off by the sieve are removed.
■Pedicel Separator / KBS-6
5. Cultivate Stamens Stamens are heated to make them open.
■Stamen Cultivator / M-600D , M-300D
6. Separate Pollens Sort out pollens attached with opened stamens,and process them into pure pollens.
■Pollen Separator / PSM-5
7. Increase Q'ty by Mixing Mix pollens and Lycopodium powders to increase the Q'ty.
8. Breeding Get opened pistil of stigma pollinated.
■Breeding Machines'Models / New Pollen Duster